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Platform Housing had dwellings built on this site and sold the land at the front to Lincolnshire Co-op to build a new food store through the planning process. The construction was of steel frame buildings with cladding and pantile roofing, Brick & blockwork, render, aluminum flashings, downpipe and guttering, fire casement works with dot and dab and skim finishes. All new drainage, hard and soft landscaping and fencing to perimeters and all car parks finished in new tarmac with white lining applied.

This development was completed in the middle of Barrowby off a busy traffic main road and bus routes, created challenges throughout the build. We mitigated these risks by timely road closures and pavement closures at different stages of the construction to retain and high standard and safe standard of works. We also had regular meetings with platform housing as their site was still under construction during our build so a key partnership of understanding building practices between both sites was advantageous for both, to drive each site. We carried out various letter drops to keep the local residents up to date with key information that may have a impact on their daily lives. This was welcomed and championed by the locals and provided a streamlined approach to the delivery of this project.
